Mayors and Secretaries General of all Councils in the North West Region were recently engaged in sharing their experiences in a Capacity Building Workshop, at the office of the Public Independent Conciliator North West Region on Rights-Based Approach to Programming for a Regional and Council Services.
Secretaries General of Councils in the North West Region (a portion of the conference hall)
During a workshop which took place on 26th and 27th October 2023, participants shared with facilitators what obtains in their different councils. The workshop was aimed at strengthening their capacities to mainstream rights and freedoms, inclusiveness and respect for ethical standards in Regional and Council Functioning.

Facilitators included; Nchunu Justice – Barrister at Law/Galaxy Law firm, Olivia Mah Tamon – Barrister at Law/ Human Rights Expert of Crystal Law Chambers, Ndi Nelson – Human Rights Expert and Research Officer in the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator North West Region, Mbah Mbole Pius – Regional Delegate, MINDEVEL NWR who is also an Expert on Local Council Governance and Administration, Shey Henry Nganji – a Consultant, CEO All Stars Enterprise and an Expert in Local Finance and Management.

Experts dispersed knowledge through power point presentations on topics like Human Rights Based Approach; the Conceptual Framework, Practical Framework, The Role of Councils, Cities and Local Governments in Human Rights Governance, Local Public Administration and Governance; Administrative De-ontology and Management of Public Finance and the Case of Local Decentralized Authorities.
In a fruitful exchange with these Mayors and Secretaries General, the resource persons sought to improve on the participants’ performance in the discharge of their duties for the interest of good governance, which will not only promote sustainable peace for development but also accompany the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator North West Region to reach its goals.
The Public Independent Conciliator for the North West Region, Mr. Tamfu Simon Fai, cautioned the Mayors to make efforts to establish Civil Status documents free of charge. He reminded Mayors of the law that states that these documents should be established free.
Even though the Regional Chief of BUNEC for the North West Region, Mr Levi F. Neba explained the challenges they face to supply booklets, he made reference to the campaign carried out by the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator and told the Mayors to shun malpractices done in civil status offices in their various councils, and engage in the campaign programs scheduled by the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator, North West Region to educate the masses on Free Civil Status Registration.
The Public Independent Conciliator for the North West Region is carrying out a campaign to promote Free Civil Status Registration and calling on the Mayors to adjust and serve the local population in line with what is prescribed by the law.