PIC trains National Language Broadcasters on Best Practices on Effective Communication

National Language Broadcasters in the North West Region have been trained by the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator, providing them with tools on best ways to communicate the missions, role and functioning of the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator – North West Region.
It was an opportunity for National Language broadcasters to identify common grounds to partner with the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator to better serve the public by relaying good information to the public.

The workshop served as a means to partner with the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator to realize its missions, while educating the participants on their key role in enforcing ethical values, respect of rights and freedoms through radio programs which they will produce for their different audiences.

Mme. Nina Ambuban, Executive Officer no. 2 at the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator

Presentations were done by experts of the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator, namely; Mr. NDI NELSON NGAYINKFU, a Human Rights expert, a Research Office no.1 at the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator, on Substantive and Functional Mandates of the PIC; Dr. ATIA TILARIOUS, Research Officer no.3 at the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator, on the Complaint Management Mechanism and the Conciliatory Process; Mme. NINA AMBUBAN AGINGI, Executive Officer no.2 at the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator, on Creation, Missions and Functioning of the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator and Mr. EPHRAIM BANDA GHOGOMU, Communication Consultant at the Office of the Public Independent Conciliator, on Tips on Communicating Effectively through Broadcasting.

The Public Independent Conciliator was amazed that National Language Broadcasters now possess knowledge to better inform the local population in their council areas.